Waller Gallery

Joan Poncella

June 14, 2024 - July 27, 2024

In this exhibition, the artist seeks to transcend time, longing to be present in the captured moments of family history. Through an amalgamation of archived family photographs, documents, installation, sculpture, and collage pieces, she honors her grandmother.

The body of work presented explores themes of home, relationships, religion, disability, and sexuality as a black woman in Baltimore, Maryland during the late 1970’s throughout the 1980’s. The artist invites viewers to delve into Joan Poncella's world, to feel the love and the depth of her grandmother’s spirit.

Joan Poncella is a powerful tribute to her grandmother’s legacy and the rich tapestry of her experiences. Rooted in poise and resilience, this exhibition is a testament to a woman of great pride and unwavering courage. Joan Poncella Sterling has an extraordinary story that deserves to be celebrated and shared.

Artist Bio

Bria Sterling-Wilson is a photographer and collage artist from Baltimore, Maryland. She received her B.F.A in Photography and Digital Arts from Towson University, Towson, MD in 2021. Sterling-Wilson uses found imagery, magazines, newspaper, and fabrics to construct alluring scenes, portraits, and interiors to express the black experience. 

Sterling-Wilson has exhibited works in Sanquhar, Scotland, Brooklyn, New York, Los Angles, California, Atlanta, Georgia, Washington, D.C, and Baltimore, Maryland. 

Bria has been featured in BmoreArt Magazine, Contemporary Collage Magazine, EBONY Magazine, and Black Collagists: The Book. 

Sterling-Wilson is currently completing an artist residency at Creative Alliance in Baltimore, Maryland.

In this exhibition, I seek to transcend time, longing to be present in the captured moments of family history. Through an amalgamation of archived family photographs, documents, installation, sculpture, and collage pieces, I honor my grandmother.

The body of work presented explores themes of home, relationships, religion, disability, and sexuality as a black woman in Baltimore, Maryland during the late 1970’s throughout the 1980’s. I invite viewers to delve into Joan Poncella's world, to feel the love and the depth of her spirit.

Joan Poncella is a powerful tribute to my grandmother’s legacy and the rich tapestry of her experiences. Rooted in poise and resilience, this exhibition is a testament to a woman of great pride and unwavering courage. Joan Poncella Sterling has an extraordinary story that deserves to be celebrated and shared.

-Bria Sterling