Waller Gallery

Fish Brained

August 9, 2024 - September 21, 2024

Exhibition Duration: Aug 9 - Sept 21, 2024
Opening Reception: Aug 9, 6-9 PM
Artist Talk: September 13, 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Price List: shop.wallergallery.com

A Letter From The Artist,

To catch a fish, you gotta think like a fish. One of my father’s many dubious pearls of wisdom. But he was kind of right in a way. Fish are creatures of pure impulse; pattern recognizers, danger avoiders, hunger machines. Fish don’t worry about tomorrow. And so, when my father died, I wanted to be like a fish too, I didn’t want to think about a tomorrow without him. I dug out his old fishing gear from the garage, that weather- beaten rod and rusty reel. Went to the Barnegat lighthouse. And for the first time since I was a teenager, I baited a hook. I cast out into the emerald abyss, and slowly reeled the line back in. When a sparkling black sea bass emerged wriggling from the water, I was the one who was hooked. What was it about fishing that enthralled my brain so strongly? The only other time I feel this level of obsession is when I’m making art. Like art, fishing appeals to my solitary nature. Both demand deep focus and keen observation. Both require a blend of technical skill and the ability to improvise based on the moment. Both disciplines offer valuable lessons through repetition and mistakes. This exhibition serves as a merger of these two passions. Translating the world of fishing onto my canvas. The act of painting my catches becomes a meditative exploration, a way to preserve the memories and emotions associated with each trip. It’s a pursuit that mirrors the act of fishing itself – patiently waiting for inspiration to “bite”; then skillfully capturing it on the canvas. Fishing for inspiration by thinking like a fish. Fishbrained.- Vic Yambao